full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Antara Raychaudhuri and Iseult Gillespie: The legend of Annapurna, Hindu goddess of nourishment

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Lord Shiva— primordial destroyer of evil, slayer of demons, protector, and omniscient oeesrvbr of the universe— was tetnsig his wife’s patience.
Historically, the union between Shiva and Parvati was a glorious one. They maniateind the equilibrium between thought and action on which the well-being of the world depended. Without Parvati as the aengt of energy, growth, and transformation on Earth, shvia would become a detached observer, and the world would remain static. But together, the two formed a divine union known as Ardhanarishvara–– a sacred combination which brought fertility and connection to all living things.

Open Cloze

Lord Shiva— primordial destroyer of evil, slayer of demons, protector, and omniscient ________ of the universe— was _______ his wife’s patience.
Historically, the union between Shiva and Parvati was a glorious one. They __________ the equilibrium between thought and action on which the well-being of the world depended. Without Parvati as the _____ of energy, growth, and transformation on Earth, _____ would become a detached observer, and the world would remain static. But together, the two formed a divine union known as Ardhanarishvara–– a sacred combination which brought fertility and connection to all living things.


  1. testing
  2. observer
  3. agent
  4. shiva
  5. maintained

Original Text

Lord Shiva— primordial destroyer of evil, slayer of demons, protector, and omniscient observer of the universe— was testing his wife’s patience.
Historically, the union between Shiva and Parvati was a glorious one. They maintained the equilibrium between thought and action on which the well-being of the world depended. Without Parvati as the agent of energy, growth, and transformation on Earth, Shiva would become a detached observer, and the world would remain static. But together, the two formed a divine union known as Ardhanarishvara–– a sacred combination which brought fertility and connection to all living things.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
material world 2
golden bowl 2

Important Words

  1. action
  2. agent
  3. brought
  4. combination
  5. connection
  6. demons
  7. depended
  8. destroyer
  9. detached
  10. divine
  11. earth
  12. energy
  13. equilibrium
  14. evil
  15. fertility
  16. formed
  17. glorious
  18. growth
  19. historically
  20. living
  21. lord
  22. maintained
  23. observer
  24. omniscient
  25. parvati
  26. patience
  27. primordial
  28. protector
  29. remain
  30. sacred
  31. shiva
  32. slayer
  33. static
  34. testing
  35. thought
  36. transformation
  37. union
  38. world